How To Link A C Library In Haskell
In this blog post, I am going to show you how to link a C library in Haskell. Each step is kept as simple as possible in order to focus on the overall goal.
I will:
- develop a small C program
- generate two static C libraries from the C program
- merge both libraries into one
- develop a small Haskell program
- let GHC link to the merged C library
- use the functions exported by the C library within Haskell
The code snippets can be found here.
The C program
The C program is going to be extremely simple.
The main.c
is calling a library function and printing the result:
// main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "liba.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
printf("main.c: main()\n");
double a = liba_func(1.0); // 42
printf("main.c: a = %f\n", a);
The library function liba_func()
is provided by, who guessed it, liba.c
The latter refers to libb_func()
in order to carry out its work.
// liba.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "libb.h"
double liba_func(double i) {
printf("liba.c:liba_func() side effects!\n");
return i + 1.0 + libb_func(); // return i + 1 + 40
// libb.c
#include <math.h>
double libb_func() {
return fmod(5, 2) + 39.0; // return 40
The corresponding (educational) Makefile:
# gcc -Wall: Enable all warnings
# gcc -c: Do not link
# gcc -g: Add debug symbols
# gcc -lm: Link to libm(ath)
# gcc -o: Output file name
# Makefile $@: The file name of the target of the rule
# Makefile $^: The names of all the prerequisites
main: main.c liba.o libb.o
gcc -g -Wall -o $@ $^ -lm
liba.o: liba.c
gcc -g -Wall -c -o $@ $^
libb.o: libb.c
gcc -g -Wall -c -o $@ $^
rm -rf *.o main
The static libraries
We can convert lib*.o
into static libraries using ar
This tool creates a so called archive file which is basically just a collection of object files.
In our case, both archives each contain only one object file.
For completeness, we’ll let gcc
link again the static libraries instead of the object files for main
, too.
# Makefile $@: The file name of the target of the rule
# Makefile $^: The names of all the prerequisites
+# ar -c: Create the archive
+# ar -r: Update existing files in an archive
+# ar -s: Add or update an archive index
-main: main.c liba.o libb.o
+main: main.c liba.a libb.a
gcc -g -Wall -o $@ $^ -lm
+liba.a: liba.o
+ ar -csr $@ $^
+libb.a: libb.o
+ ar -csr $@ $^
One can inspect the archive content with nm <file.a>
We see that libb.a
defines the function (“symbol”) libb_func
and expects the symbol fmod
The latter comes from math.h
and the actual function is linked by gcc
(see -lm
in the Makefile’s main
$ nm libb.a
U fmod
00000000 T libb_func
Merging the libraries
The obvious way to merge both static libraries is to create a single archive from both object files (i.e. ar -csr libab.a liba.o libb.o
However, I am going to assume the libraries come as is and the object files are not available.
This allows me to show a trick with ar
The issue with ar
is that you cannot simply create an archive by listing archive files instead of object files on the command line.
will happily archive the input files without looking into them and thus create a nested archive.
The inner archives are not accessible anymore:
$ ar -csr libab.a liba.a libb.a # create a new archive from the previous ones
$ nm libab.a
nm: liba.a: File format not recognized
nm: libb.a: File format not recognized
We can however ask ar
to add the contents of one archive to the current one using the ADDLIB directive from GNU ar’s “librarien” compatibility mode.
In this mode, ar
is controlled with a script which we can also simply pipe from the command line.
$ echo 'CREATE libab.a\nADDLIB liba.a\nADDLIB libb.a\nSAVE\nEND' | ar -M
$ nm libab.a
U fmod
00000000 T libb_func
00000000 T liba_func
U libb_func
U puts
This time, inspecting the archive yields the exported symbols (functions) as expected. The necessary Makefile changes:
libb.a: libb.o
ar -csr $@ $^
+libab.a: liba.a libb.a
+ echo 'CREATE $@\nADDLIB liba.a\nADDLIB libb.a\nSAVE\nEND' | ar -M
The Haskell program
The Haskell program is going to be straight forward. I’ll let stack create the a simply project for me
$ stack new haskell simple
The initial Main.hs
module Main where
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "hello world"
Linking to the C library
generates a Cabal file within the project.
This file is kind of like the Makefile of a Haskell app.
We can define GHC options within that file.
In order to tell GHC to link to an external library, we have to give a library path and a library name (pretty similar to GCC).
This is done by -L<path>
and -l<libname>
So we could simply use stack’s ghc-options
parameter to add these.
However, it is recommended to use extra-lib-dirs
and extra-libaries
This is how we need to adapt the cabal file:
executable haskell
hs-source-dirs: src
+-- ghc-options: -L../c -lab -- don't do this
+ extra-lib-dirs: ../c
+ extra-libraries: ab
main-is: Main.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
Of course, ../c
is the path to the aforementioned C program which contains libab.a
The file name’s prefix is striped so that libab
becomes ab
Using the C library
We are going to make a wrapper Haskell library (file) that exposes the functions of the C library. Calling the actual C functions is done trough Haskell’s Foreign Function Interfarce. The source code is simple and listed below. You can google around to find lots of information about suing the FFI in more detail.
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} -- enabling the FFI
module LibAb where -- declaring the module
foreign import ccall "liba_func" c_liba_func :: Double -> Double -- importing the C function
liba_func :: Double -> Double
liba_func = c_liba_func -- wrapping the C function inside a Haskell function
Now that we have the Haskell function liba_func
at our disposal, we can go ahead and call in Main.hs
module Main where
+import LibAb
main :: IO ()
main = do
- putStrLn "hello world"
+ putStrLn "Please enter a number:"
+ d <- fmap (read::String->Double) getLine
+ putStrLn $ "The answer is: " ++ show (liba_func d)
This is the outcome:
$ stack build --exec haskell
Please enter a number:
liba.c:liba_func() side effects!
The answer is: 42.1
Note how the pure Haskell function liba_func :: Double -> Double
produces side effects!
This is quite expected.
The Haskell compiler cannot look into the compiled C functions and cannot differentiate pure from impure code.
It merely links the foreign functions where asked to.
The programmer needs to provide this information.
In this case, it should have been liba_func :: Double -> IO Double
to accommodate for the printf
in the C function.
module LibAb where -- declaring the module
-foreign import ccall "liba_func" c_liba_func :: Double -> Double -- importing the C function
+foreign import ccall "liba_func" c_liba_func :: Double -> IO Double -- importing the C function
-liba_func :: Double -> Double
+liba_func :: Double -> IO Double
liba_func = c_liba_func -- wrapping the C function inside a Haskell function
main = do
putStrLn "Please enter a number:"
d <- fmap (read::String->Double) getLine
- putStrLn $ "The answer is: " ++ show (liba_func d)
+ a <- liba_func d
+ putStrLn $ "The answer is: " ++ show a
Done! You just learned how to combined C & Haskell! Well, at least some part of it.
You can retrace all steps by looking into the commit history of this Git repo.